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来源:乐之音商城 2023-05-14 10:44:28发布 63人浏览过
导读:弹乐器英语怎么说?在英语中,弹乐器的动作可以用play来表达。例如,play the guitar弹吉他、play the piano弹钢琴等等。但是,对于不同的乐器,表达方式也有所不同。1. 弹吉他 ...



在英语中,弹乐器的动作可以用play来表达。例如,play the guitar弹吉他、play the piano弹钢琴等等。但是,对于不同的乐器,表达方式也有所不同。

1. 弹吉他

弹吉他可以用play the guitar来表达,也可以用strum the guitar弹弦吉他来表达。另外,还可以使用pluck the strings弹拨弦来表达。例如:

- He likes to play the guitar when he is feeling down. (他在心情不好时喜欢弹吉他。)

- She strummed the guitar and started to sing. (她弹了一下吉他,然后开始唱歌。)

- He plucked the strings of his guitar and the room filled with beautiful melodies. (他弹拨着吉他弦,房间里充满了美妙的曲调。)

2. 弹钢琴

弹钢琴可以用play the piano来表达,也可以用tinkle the ivories弹钢琴来表达。例如:

- She plays the piano beautifully. (她钢琴弹得非常好。)

- He spent hours tinkling the ivories, lost in the magic of the music. (他花了几个小时弹钢琴,陶醉在音乐的魔力中。)

3. 弹小提琴

弹小提琴可以用play the violin来表达,也可以用fiddle with the violin扯小提琴弦来表达。例如:

- She played the violin with such skill that the audience was moved to tears. (她演奏小提琴的技巧很高,观众都被感动到了流泪。)

- He fiddled with the violin, trying to get the perfect sound. (他扯着小提琴弦,试图获得完美的声音。)

4. 弹鼓

弹鼓可以用play the drums来表达,也可以用beat the drums敲打鼓来表达。例如:

- He plays the drums in a band. (他在乐队里打鼓。)

- She beats the drums with such energy that the whole room vibrates. (她打鼓的力量让整个房间都颤动了起来。)

5. 弹管乐器

弹管乐器可以用play the flute/clarinet/saxophone etc.来表达。例如:

- He played the flute with such precision that it sounded like the birds were singing along. (他演奏长笛的精度非常高,听起来像是鸟儿在跟着唱歌。)

- She played the saxophone with a raw emotion that brought the audience to their feet. (她演奏萨克斯风时的感情非常真挚,把观众带到了舞台前。)
